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  • Kırmızı Kan Hücrelerinin Üretimine Yardımcı Olur  
  • DNA Sentezini Destekler  
  • Enerji Seviyelerini Artırmaya Yardımcı Olur  
  • Homosistein Düzeylerinin Düzenlenmesine Katkı Sağlar  
  • Bağışıklık Sistemini Güçlendirir  
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CONALT® METHYLCOBALAMIN (Vitamin B12), HealthTech BioActives tarafından üretilen, patentli ve yüksek saflığa sahip bir aktif B12 vitamin formudur. Çevre dostu bir üretim süreci ile elde edilen metilkobalamin doğrudan biyolojik olarak aktiftir ve vücutta hızlı bir şekilde etkisini gösterir. Diğer B12 formlarından farklı olarak, metilkobalamin aktif bir hale dönüşüm gerektirmez, bu da sinir sistemi ve beyin fonksiyonları üzerinde daha hızlı ve etkili sonuçlar sağlar.

Bilimsel çalışmalar, metilkobalaminin sinir sağlığı, enerji üretimi ve beyin fonksiyonları üzerindeki olumlu etkilerini doğrulamaktadır. CONALT® METHYLCOBALAMIN, özellikle nörolojik hastalıkların tedavisinde etkili bir çözüm sunar ve daha hızlı emilim sağlar. Ayrıca, kapsül formu, B12 ihtiyacını optimal bir şekilde karşılamak için pratik ve etkilidir.

Ürün Açıklaması

Ürün Açıklaması

  • Methylcobalamin (Vitamin B12) plays a critical role in supporting nervous system health by contributing to the synthesis of the myelin sheath, which surrounds nerve cells and ensures proper transmission of electrical signals. This process enhances communication between nerve cells, improving reflex efficiency while helping prevent nerve damage and reducing the risk of neuropathies. Additionally, it acts as an antioxidant to protect nerve cells from free radical damage, thereby supporting the overall integrity of the nervous system.  


  • Supporting brain functions, methylcobalamin lowers the levels of a toxic amino acid called homocysteine, safeguarding the health of brain blood vessels and aiding in the regulation of cerebral blood flow. This promotes better oxygen and nutrient delivery to brain cells, enhancing cognitive functions such as memory, learning, and attention. It also fosters neurotransmitter production, improving chemical signaling between nerve cells, which helps prevent concentration disorders and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.  


  • Methylcobalamin actively contributes to the production of red blood cells by supporting hemoglobin synthesis, increasing the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood and preventing symptoms such as chronic fatigue, dizziness, and pale skin. Furthermore, it ensures the healthy development of red blood cells, alleviating issues caused by macrocytic anemia, such as weakness and reduced physical performance.  


  • Supporting DNA synthesis, methylcobalamin enables accurate replication of genetic material in cells and ensures error-free transmission during cell division. This mechanism supports the healthy functioning of tissues with rapid renewal capacity, such as immune cells, intestinal cells, and skin cells. Its contribution to DNA synthesis also slows aging and accelerates the repair of cellular damage, promoting overall health.  


  • Playing a vital role in energy metabolism, methylcobalamin boosts the conversion of carbohydrates and fats into energy in the mitochondria, the energy centers of cells, meeting the body’s daily energy needs and enhancing physical endurance. This process supports the efficient functioning of high-energy-demanding organs like muscles and the brain, reducing feelings of fatigue associated with energy deficiencies.  


  • Regulating homocysteine levels, methylcobalamin facilitates its conversion into methionine, preventing inflammation and plaque buildup in blood vessels. This reduces the risk of serious cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke, supporting overall cardiovascular health.  


  • With a mechanism that strengthens the immune system, methylcobalamin stimulates the production of white blood cells and lymphocytes, enabling the immune system to combat infections more effectively. This not only increases the number of immune cells but also optimizes their functions, helping prevent common infections like colds and flu.  


  • Playing a significant role in preventing anemia, methylcobalamin regulates the size and functionality of red blood cells, alleviating symptoms caused by macrocytic anemia, such as extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, and concentration issues, improving overall quality of life.  


  • Protecting memory and cognitive functions, methylcobalamin aids in renewing nerve cells, preventing neurological degeneration, and enhancing communication between brain cells, which strengthens learning, problem-solving, and memory retention. It also suppresses inflammation in the brain, supporting long-term neurological health.  


  • Reducing fatigue and weakness, methylcobalamin supports energy metabolism by increasing cellular energy production. This enables individuals to sustain physical and mental activities for longer periods, resolving chronic energy deficiency issues.  


  • Contributing to the prevention of digestive issues, methylcobalamin supports the regular renewal of intestinal cells and optimizes the production of digestive enzymes, improving the efficient absorption of nutrients. This reduces the frequency of digestive problems such as constipation, bloating, and stomach discomfort.  


  • For individuals with a weakened immune system, methylcobalamin enhances the production of immune cells, making the body more resistant to infections. This reduces the frequency of infections and improves overall health status.  


  • Supporting the prevention of emotional changes, methylcobalamin aids in the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, reducing the risk of mood disorders like depression and anxiety while maintaining emotional stability. Additionally, its calming effect on the nervous system increases resilience to stress.  



İçindekiler: Bulking agent: Microcrystalline Cellulose, Capsule Component: Bovine Gelatin, Anti-caking agents: Magnesium Salts of Fatty Acids (E470), Silicon Dioxide (E551),  Methylcobalamin.

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