CONALT markası® LypoWell


● Kan Oluşumuna Yardımcı Olur
● Hücre Büyümesini ve Yenilenmesini Destekler
● Enerji Metabolizmasına Yardımcı Olur
● Bağışıklık Sisteminin Güçlenmesine Yardımcı Olur
● Zihinsel ve Fiziksel Performansı Destekler

Neden CONALT® Lypowell 30 ml Damla?

Neden CONALT® Lypowell 30 ml Damla?

Lipofoods tarafından geliştirilen patentli mikroenkapsüle demir kaynağı Lipofer™, vücutta demir emilimini artırarak etkili bir şekilde kullanılmasını sağlar. Bilimsel çalışmalar, Lipofer’in demir eksikliği anemisini önlemeye yardımcı olduğunu ve biyoyararlanımını artırdığını göstermektedir (Rao ve ark., 2015; Szymańska ve ark., 2019). Mikroenkapsülasyon, dişlerde veya dilde leke oluşmasını önleyerek estetik endişeleri ortadan kaldırır. Damla formu, hem çocuklar hem de yetişkinler için kolay kullanım sunar. Toksisiteyi azaltarak gastrointestinal tahriş ve mide rahatsızlıklarının önüne geçer. Hedeflenen salınım özelliği, aktif bileşenlerin kontrollü salınımını sağlarken oksidasyonu azaltarak ürünün raf ömrünü uzatır.
Ayrıca, formülde bulunan folik asit, demirle sinerjik bir şekilde çalışarak hücre büyümesi ve yenilenmesinde kilit rol oynar. Bu özellikler, CONALT® Lypowell’i sağlıklı bir yaşam tarzı sürdürmek isteyenler için ideal bir seçim haline getirir.

Ürün Açıklaması

Ürün Açıklaması

Iron (Lipofer)
• Iron is one of the essential mineral components of the body and plays a critical role in various biological functions. As the main component of hemoglobin, iron enhances the oxygen-carrying capacity of red blood cells and plays a vital role in energy metabolism.
• Iron binds with hemoglobin to transport oxygen from the lungs to tissues. This process allows cells to produce energy healthily. Adequate iron intake increases hemoglobin levels, helping oxygenate tissues, which enhances physical performance during activity.
• Iron plays a crucial role in energy production within the mitochondria, the energy centers of cells. Acting as electron carriers, it helps convert nutrients into energy, thus optimizing cellular energy production. This reduces feelings of fatigue and exhaustion, boosting overall energy levels.
• Iron supports the healthy production of immune cells, protecting the body against infections. Adequate iron levels increase the number and effectiveness of immune cells, strengthening the overall function of the immune system. Iron deficiency can lead to a weakened immune system.
• Iron is important for brain health; adequate iron intake supports cognitive functions and improves focus.
• Iron deficiency can cause learning difficulties. Sufficient iron levels help meet the energy needs of brain cells, ensuring mental clarity.

Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid)
• Folic acid is vital for cell growth and renewal. It plays a role in DNA and RNA synthesis, ensuring healthy cell division and proliferation.
• Folic acid is essential for cell division and reproduction. This process is especially important during embryonic development; adequate folic acid intake supports the healthy development of the fetus and can reduce birth defects.
• Folic acid supports the healthy production of red blood cells. By reducing the risk of anemia, it helps prevent feelings of fatigue and weakness. Additionally, folic acid aids in the effective utilization of iron in the body, improving blood health.
• Folic acid plays a significant role in converting carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into energy. By supporting the conversion of nutrients into energy, it helps increase overall energy levels. It also lowers homocysteine levels, contributing to heart health.
• Folic acid supports the healthy development of immune cells and increases the effectiveness of the immune system. This strengthens resistance to infections and protects the body against diseases.
• Folic acid helps maintain the health of nerve cells and supports cognitive functions. Adequate folic acid intake may reduce the risk of mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. It may also lower the risk of cognitive decline.




Ingredients List: Deionized Water, Stabilizer: Glycerin (E422), Ferric Pyrophosphate-3 , Thickening Agent: Xanthan Gum (E415), Preservative: Sodium Benzoate (E211), Potassium Sorbate (E212), Flavor: Chocolate Flavor, Pteroylmonoglutamic Acid Sweetener:  sucralose (E955)

Önerilen kullanım

Önerilen kullanım

It is recommended for children aged 4-10 to take 1 ml once a day.

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