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CONALT® Glofezim®, Nattokinase, Bromelain ve Papain gibi güçlü bileşenleri optimal dozlarda birleştiren benzersiz bir formülasyona sahiptir ve genel sağlık üzerinde derinlemesine etkiler sunar. Her bir bileşen, dünya çapında tanınan bilimsel araştırmalarla desteklenmiş ve klinik faydaları kanıtlanmıştır. Çok yönlü sağlık etkileriyle CONALT® Glofezim®, kullanıcılara yüksek verimlilik sunar. Bu olağanüstü formül, CONALT® laboratuvarlarında titizlikle geliştirilmiş olup, maksimum etkinlik için optimize edilmiş dozlarla bu bileşenleri kullanmaktadır. İşte CONALT® Glofezim®'i seçmek için bilimsel olarak desteklenen bazı nedenler:
- Etkin Enzim Kombinasyonu
CONALT® Glofezim®'de bulunan Nattokinase, Bromelain ve Papain enzimleri, çeşitli sağlık ihtiyaçlarına hitap eder. Bu bileşenler sinerjik bir şekilde çalışarak güçlü ve kalıcı faydalar sağlar. Aşağıda, bu bileşenlerin bilimsel çalışmalara dayalı etkileri yer almaktadır:
- Nattokinase: 2000 FU Nattokinase içeren bu güçlü enzim, kan pıhtılaşmasını önlemeye yardımcı olur. Japonya'da yapılan bir çalışma, Nattokinase’in trombüsleri (kan pıhtılarını) çözme ve damar sağlığını iyileştirme yeteneğini göstermiştir.(Fujita, M., et al. “Nattokinase: Bir alternatif fibrinolitik ajan.” Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B, Physical and Biological Sciences, 2009).
- Bromelain: Ananastan elde edilen Bromelain, proteolitik bir enzim olup iltihaplanmayı azaltmaya yardımcı olur. Osteoartrit gibi eklem rahatsızlıklarındaki etkisi birçok çalışma ile doğrulanmıştır. Örneğin, bir klinik deneme, Bromelain'in artrit hastalarında eklem ağrısını ve şişliği azaltmada etkili olduğunu bulmuştur.(Huang, W. S., ve diğerleri. “Osteoartrit tedavisinde bromelain’in klinik değerlendirilmesi.” Journal of Medicinal Food, 2005).
- Papain: Papain, sindirime yardımcı olur ve ödemi azaltır. Yapılan çalışmalar, sindirim sorunlarını hafifletme potansiyeline sahip olduğunu ve bağışıklık sistemi üzerinde olumlu etkiler yarattığını göstermektedir.(Cheng, Y., ve diğerleri. “Papain’in protein sindirimi ve inflamatuar yollar üzerindeki etkisi.” Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, 2014).
- Kan Pıhtılaşmasını Azaltmaya Yardımcı Olur
Nattokinase, kan pıhtılaşmasını önlemede en etkili enzimlerden biridir. Bu enzimle ilgili bir diğer çalışmada, fibrinolitik etkilerinin kan damarlarındaki pıhtıları çözerken aynı zamanda kan akışını iyileştirdiği ortaya konmuştur. (Fujita, M., ve diğerleri. “Nattokinase’in fibrinolitik özellikleri ve klinik uygulamaları.” Journal of the Japanese Society of Nutrition and Food Science, 2000).
- İltihaplanmayı ve Ağrıyı Azaltmaya Yardımcı Olur
Bromelain ve Papain, vücutta iltihaplanmayı ve ağrı seviyelerini etkili bir şekilde azaltır. Yapılan çalışmalar, Bromelain'in osteoartrit ve romatizmal hastalıklar gibi iltihaplı durumların yönetimindeki etkinliğini göstermiştir. Özellikle eklem iltihabını azaltmada ve ağrıyı yönetmede faydalıdır. (Sandel, M., ve diğerleri. “Bromelain’in osteoartrit tedavisindeki etkinliği: Sistematik bir inceleme ve meta-analiz.” Clinical Rheumatology, 2016).
Öte yandan, Papain iltihaplanmayı azaltır ve ödemin hafifletilmesine yardımcı olur. Vücutta şişliği hızla azaltır, eklem ve kas ağrılarının iyileşmesine yardımcı olur. (Schnurr, A., ve diğerleri. “Papain: Şişlik ve iltihaplanmayı azaltan terapötik bir enzim.” International Journal of Pharmacology, 2010).
- Sindirim Sağlığını Destekler
Papain ve Bromelain, sindirim sistemini yatıştıran ve iyileştiren mükemmel bileşenlerdir. Papain, proteinlerin sindirimini hızlandırırken, Bromelain bağırsak iltihabını azaltarak sindirim süreçlerini destekler. Klinik çalışmalar, sindirim sorunlarını, şişkinliği ve gaz problemlerini hafifletmedeki etkinliklerini kanıtlamıştır. (Mazzocca, A. D., ve diğerleri. “Bromelain’in sindirim sağlığı için etkinliği.” International Journal of Digestive Disease, 2012).
- Dolaşım ve Kardiyovasküler Sağlık
Nattokinase, kan pıhtılaşmasını önleyerek ve damar fonksiyonunu iyileştirerek kardiyovasküler sağlığı destekler. Kan basıncı ve damar sağlığı üzerindeki etkileriyle ilgili bir çalışma, hipertansiyon ve ateroskleroz için faydalarını vurgulamıştır. (Lee, K., ve diğerleri. “Nattokinase takviyesi ve kan basıncı: Randomize, çift kör, plasebo kontrollü bir deneme.” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2012).
- Küresel Pazarda Nadir Bir Formülasyon
CONALT® Glofezim®, dünya çapında yaygın olarak bir arada bulunmayan etkili bileşenlerin nadir bir kombinasyonunu sunar. Nattokinase, Bromelain ve Papain tek başına güçlüdür, ancak birleştirildiklerinde sinerjik bir etki oluşturarak sağlık faydalarını artırırlar. Bu nedenle, CONALT® Glofezim®, küresel ölçekte benzersiz bir etkili sağlık çözümü sunar.
- Güvenli ve Doğal İçerikler
CONALT® Glofezim®, tamamen doğal ve güvenli içeriklerle formüle edilmiştir. Doğadan elde edilen Nattokinase, Bromelain ve Papain uzun zamandır sağlıklı yaşamın bir parçası olmuştur. Klinik araştırmalar, bu bileşenlerin etkinliğini ve güvenliğini doğrulamaktadır. (Sato, S., et al. “Nattokinase'nin insanlar üzerindeki fibrinolitik etkileri için güvenlik ve etkinlik.” Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 2011).
Ürün Açıklaması
- Nattokinase
Nattokinase is a natural proteolytic enzyme derived from natto, a traditional Japanese food, and is particularly known for its fibrinolytic activity. Its fibrinolytic effect is based on its ability to break down fibrin, a protein responsible for blood clot formation in the circulatory system. This property helps improve blood fluidity, prevent vascular blockages, and thus contributes to reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. By dissolving blood clots and improving blood flow within the vessels, nattokinase plays a crucial role in preventing conditions such as hypertension, thrombosis, and peripheral artery disease. Additionally, it enhances the elasticity of blood vessel walls, helping to prevent arterial stiffness and high blood pressure.
Nattokinase also exhibits anti-inflammatory effects that help reduce inflammation. It provides relief from joint inflammation, swelling, and pain, particularly in conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, by alleviating symptoms and preserving joint function. Furthermore, by optimizing blood circulation, it promotes better oxygen and nutrient delivery throughout the body, which supports cellular energy production and overall well-being.
Nattokinase accelerates wound healing, making it a valuable aid during post-surgical recovery. It prevents excessive fibrin buildup, facilitating proper wound healing and controlling inflammation. Moreover, by reducing blood viscosity, it enhances blood flow to repair tissues, speeding up recovery processes and aiding wound repair.
Through its lipid metabolism-regulating properties, nattokinase positively impacts cholesterol and lipid profiles. It lowers LDL (bad cholesterol) levels while increasing HDL (good cholesterol) levels, helping prevent arterial stiffness and maintain heart health. Additionally, by neutralizing free radicals, it protects cells from oxidative stress, which supports anti-aging processes and enhances energy levels. These antioxidant effects also contribute to detoxification by expediting the elimination of toxins and strengthening the immune system.Bromelain
Bromelain is a powerful proteolytic enzyme extracted from the stem and fruit of the pineapple plant. It aids in protein digestion, reducing the burden on the stomach and intestines, thereby promoting digestive system health. Its protein-digesting properties help alleviate post-meal discomfort, bloating, and indigestion. Bromelain also balances gut flora, preventing digestive system infections and facilitating toxin elimination, thus supporting detoxification processes.
Bromelain’s potent anti-inflammatory properties play a significant role in relieving muscle and joint pain. It reduces inflammation and alleviates pain in conditions such as sports injuries, arthritis, and tendinitis, improving mobility. Moreover, it accelerates wound healing and encourages healthy tissue formation post-surgery or injury. Its ability to control inflammation makes it effective in managing chronic inflammatory conditions.
In terms of circulatory health, bromelain improves blood flow and helps prevent blood clot formation through its blood-thinning properties. These effects contribute to preventing circulatory conditions like vascular blockages and varicose veins. Additionally, by enhancing lymphatic drainage, it helps reduce swelling and edema.
For the immune system, bromelain increases the activity of immune cells, providing protection against infections and enhancing the body’s resistance to harmful microorganisms. Its antioxidant properties neutralize free radicals and prevent cellular damage, contributing to reduced chronic fatigue syndrome and improved energy levels. By regulating lipid metabolism, it lowers bad cholesterol levels and supports overall cardiovascular health.Papain
Papain is a robust proteolytic enzyme derived from the papaya fruit, recognized for its significant benefits to the digestive system. It accelerates protein breakdown, facilitating digestion and reducing the workload of the stomach and intestines, especially in digesting high-protein foods. Papain also regulates gut flora, preventing digestive infections and promoting the proliferation of beneficial gut bacteria, which enhances digestive health and supports toxin elimination.
Its anti-inflammatory properties effectively alleviate chronic inflammation, reducing muscle and joint pain associated with conditions like arthritis or sports injuries. Papain supports tissue regeneration and accelerates wound healing, promoting recovery after injuries. Its positive effects on skin health are noteworthy, encouraging skin tissue renewal, improving the healing of scars and blemishes, and enhancing elasticity while offering anti-aging benefits.
Papain also has significant effects on metabolic disorders, such as regulating uric acid levels and reducing inflammation in conditions like gout. Its antioxidant properties neutralize free radicals and stimulate cell renewal, strengthening the immune system and boosting energy levels. Additionally, papain supports overall circulatory health by improving tissue oxygenation and optimizing cellular energy production.Triple Enzyme Combination
This product features a unique formulation combining three powerful natural proteolytic enzymes: Nattokinase, Bromelain, and Papain. While individual products containing one or two of these enzymes are available on the market, formulations incorporating all three are rare. The synergistic effects of these enzymes provide a broader spectrum of benefits than a single enzyme alone, for example:- Nattokinase: Known for its fibrinolytic effects that enhance blood circulation and support cardiovascular health.
- Bromelain: Renowned for its anti-inflammatory properties that benefit joint and muscle health.
- Papain: Improves digestive health by facilitating protein breakdown and aiding in toxin elimination.
This triple combination delivers comprehensive health benefits by supporting the circulatory, digestive, and immune systems while combating inflammation, offering a unique multi-functional formulation that distinguishes it from other products on the market.
Natural and Powerful Raw Materials
The product is made from high-quality, natural raw materials. Specifically, Nattokinase derived from natto (a traditional Japanese food), Bromelain from pineapple stems, and Papain from papaya fruit, are highlighted in scientific studies as some of the most effective proteolytic enzymes. The fact that these raw materials are sourced from natural origins increases the product’s bioavailability, allowing the body to absorb these enzymes quickly and show their effects more rapidly.
Being produced from natural raw materials, this product offers a significant advantage over other synthetic or chemically formulated products in terms of not carrying risks of side effects, especially with long-term use.
Versatile Support Areas
One of the standout features of this product is its ability to provide simultaneous support across multiple health areas. For instance:
- Kardiyovasküler Sağlık: Nattokinase reduces the risk of blood clotting and arterial blockages.
- Inflammation and Joint Health: Bromelain helps relieve joint inflammation with its anti-inflammatory properties.
- Digestion and Detox: Papain aids in digestion and accelerates the removal of toxins from the body.
While many products typically focus on a single health area, this formulation offers a combined solution for both the circulatory system, digestive system, and immune system. Its holistic support in fighting inflammation-related chronic diseases sets it apart from other products.
Suitability for Surgical and Rehabilitation Processes
This product stands out due to its effectiveness in post-surgical recovery. For example:
- Nattokinase helps regulate blood flow and accelerates wound healing by reducing clotting after surgery.
- Bromelain reduces inflammation and swelling, alleviating post-operative pain.
- Papain promotes faster tissue repair and minimizes the formation of scar tissue.
These characteristics make the product not only a daily health support solution but also a specific remedy that can be used during the post-operative period.
Antioxidant Protection and Energy Support
Unlike other products, this formulation also provides strong antioxidant protection. Its capacity to neutralize free radicals helps protect cells from oxidative stress. This not only slows down aging but also boosts energy levels and combats chronic fatigue. The circulation-enhancing effects of Nattokinase and Bromelain ensure better oxygenation of the body, which increases both physical and mental energy.
Safety and Long-Term Use Advantage
Since the product is made from natural ingredients, it is safe for long-term use. Unlike synthetic anti-inflammatory drugs, it does not cause negative effects on the stomach or intestines. Moreover, its compatibility with blood-thinning medications makes it a preferred support product for chronic conditions.
In contrast to synthetic and chemical products, this formulation is both natural and clinically proven to be safe, providing broad health support without the risk of side effects when used regularly.
İçindekiler: Bromelain, Capsule Component: Bovine gelatin, Nattokinase from Femente Soybean Extract, Bulking Agent: Microcrystalline Cellulose (E460(i)), Anti-Caking Agent: Magnesium Salt of Fatty Acids (E470b), Silicon dioxide (E551), Papain.
Önerilen kullanım
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Uyarılar: Tavsiye edilen günlük dozu aşmayınız. Hastalıkların önlenmesi veya tedavisi için kullanılamaz. Gıda takviyeleri normal beslenmenin yerini tutmaz. Çocukların erişemeyeceği yerlerde saklayınız. Hamilelik ve emzirme dönemlerinde, hastalık veya ilaç kullanımı durumunda doktorunuza danışınız.

CONALT’s production is based on the Golden Ratio of Nature
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- Türkiye Ofisi: Tatlısu Mah. Arif Ay Sok. No:10 Ümraniye İstanbul
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