CONALT markası® Vitamin D3 And K2 10 Ml


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Neden CONALT® Vitamin D3 & K2 10 ml?

Neden CONALT® Vitamin D3 & K2 10 ml?

CONALT® Vitamin D3 & K2 10 ml, kaliteli bileşenlerle formüle edilmiştir. Kaprik trigliserit nötr yağı içeriği, ürünün stabilitesini artırır ve kullanım kolaylığı sağlar. Ayrıca, MCT yağı tarafından sağlanan faydalar, vitamin emilimini kolaylaştırarak vücudunuz için daha etkili destek sunar. CONALT®’in bu benzersiz formülasyonu, sağlığınızı desteklemek için ideal bir seçim olmasını sağlar. Vitamin D ve kemik sağlığı üzerine yapılan bir meta-analiz, “Vitamin D, kemik mineral yoğunluğunu artırır” (Bischoff-Ferrari ve ark., 2010) sonucuna ulaşmıştır. Ayrıca, vitamin K2 üzerine yapılan bir çalışma, “Vitamin K2 takviyesinin, menopoz sonrası kadınlarda kemik mineral yoğunluğunu artırdığını” kanıtlamıştır (Knapen ve ark., 2013). Formülde yer alan kaprik trigliserit (MCT yağı), “enerji harcamasını artırır ve yağ kitlesini azaltır” (St-Onge ve ark., 2003) şeklinde bir etki göstermiştir. Bu bilimsel çalışmalar, ürünün bileşenlerinin sağlık üzerindeki olumlu etkilerini desteklemektedir.

Ürün Açıklaması

Ürün Açıklaması

Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol)

  • Vitamin D is synthesized in the skin upon exposure to sunlight and is metabolized in the body to its active form, calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D). Calcitriol enhances the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the intestines, facilitating the transport of these minerals to the bones. Osteoblasts, the bone cells, utilize calcium and phosphorus in the presence of vitamin D to create and mineralize the bone matrix. A deficiency in D3 can lead to mineral loss and weakness in the bones.
  • Vitamin D plays a significant role in the immune system by enhancing the activity of T cells and B cells. These cells are critical for combating infections. Vitamin D also enables macrophages (immune cells) to respond more effectively to infections. Moreover, a deficiency in vitamin D can weaken the immune system, increasing the risk of infections.
  • Vitamin D supports muscle contractions by increasing calcium uptake in muscle cells. This vitamin influences gene expression in muscle cells, aiding in their growth and repair. Insufficient vitamin D levels can lead to muscle weakness and an increased risk of falls.
  • Vitamin D has positive effects on mood by increasing serotonin production in the brain. Adequate intake of vitamin D can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Additionally, it supports brain health by increasing levels of neurotrophic factors (such as BDNF).
  • Vitamin D contributes positively to cardiovascular health by supporting the healthy functioning of cardiac muscle and regulating blood pressure, thereby reducing the risk of hypertension. A deficiency in vitamin D can increase the risk of heart diseases.
  • Insufficient levels of vitamin D are associated with feelings of general fatigue and weakness. Vitamin D supports energy metabolism, providing more energy for daily activities.

Vitamin K2 (Menaquinone-7)

  • Vitamin K2 is found primarily in fermented foods and is essential for the proper incorporation of calcium into bones. The protein osteocalcin becomes active with the help of vitamin K2. Active osteocalcin binds to calcium atoms to store calcium in bones. Additionally, K2 prevents calcium accumulation in soft tissues, which helps maintain vascular health.
  • Vitamin K2 has an indirect effect on the immune system by playing a role in the production of cytokines (proteins that facilitate intercellular communication) necessary for the proper functioning of immune cells. K2’s anti-inflammatory effects help balance immune responses.
  • Vitamin K2 supports muscle health by regulating calcium levels in muscle tissues. It enhances the synthesis of proteins like Matrix Gla Protein (MGP), ensuring proper functioning of muscle tissues.
  • Vitamin K2 helps maintain the balance of neurotransmitters in the brain. The regulation of chemicals like dopamine and serotonin can improve mood and ease stress management.
  • Vitamin K2 protects arterial health by preventing calcium buildup in the vessel walls. By inhibiting calcium accumulation in soft tissues outside the vessels, it reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, thereby decreasing the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes.
  • Vitamin K plays a critical role in blood coagulation processes by participating in the synthesis of coagulation factors (especially factors II, VII, IX, and X). This helps prevent blood loss during injuries. A deficiency in K2 can lead to bleeding disorders.
  • By supporting overall body health, vitamin K2 can help elevate energy levels. Insufficient K2 intake can contribute to feelings of fatigue and lethargy.


Vitamin D3 supports the absorption of calcium from the intestines, facilitating its entry into the bloodstream. However, for this calcium to be directed to the bones and used properly, the presence of Vitamin K2 is necessary. Vitamin K2 activates the protein osteocalcin, which helps deposit calcium in the bones. This process increases bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

Academic studies have shown that the combination of D3 and K2 is more effective in treating osteoporosis compared to the use of D3 alone. For example, in a study by Kanellakis et al. (2012), this combination was found to increase bone mineral density and contribute to the remodeling of bone tissue.

Although Vitamin D3 increases calcium absorption, an excess of this calcium can accumulate in the arterial walls over time, leading to arterial stiffness. Vitamin K2 prevents calcium buildup in the arteries by activating matrix Gla protein (MGP), ensuring that calcium is deposited in the bones instead of the arteries.

In a study by Gast et al. (2009), long-term intake of K2 was shown to reduce coronary artery calcification and lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. This highlights the critical importance of combining K2 with D3, particularly in individuals taking high doses of D3, to protect heart health.




İçindekiler: Capric Triglyceride Neutural Oil ( MCT OİL ), Vitamin K2 (Menaquinone-7),

Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol)

Önerilen Kullanım

Önerilen Kullanım

For children aged 4 to 10 years, it is recommended to take 1 drop once a day. For adults aged 11 and older, it is recommended to take 2 drops once a day.

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