CONALT markası® D- MANNOSE 500 Mg
- İdrar Yolu Enfeksiyonlarını Önlemeye Yardımcı Olur
- Mesane Sağlığını Destekler
- Bakteriyel İdrar Yolu Enfeksiyonlarının Tekrarını Önlemeye Yardımcı Olur
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- Anti-enflamatuar Etkiler Sergiler
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- Gut Yönetimine Yardımcı Olur
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- Viral Enfeksiyonların Önlenmesine Yardımcı Olur
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Neden CONALT® D-MANNOSE 500 mg?
CONALT® D-MANNOSE 500 mg, idrar yolu sağlığını desteklemek ve genel sağlığı artırmak için mükemmel bir seçim olup, bilimsel olarak desteklenen bir D-mannoz formülüne sahiptir. Yüksek biyoyararlanımı ve saf formülasyonu, bu takviyeyi hem etkili hem de güvenilir kılar. D-Mannoz, idrar yolu enfeksiyonlarını (İYE) önlemede önemli bir rol oynar, çünkü E. coli gibi patojenik bakterilerin idrar yolu hücrelerine yapışmasını engeller. Bu özellik, CONALT® D-MANNOSE'u enfeksiyon risklerini azaltmak ve mesane sağlığını korumak isteyenler için ideal bir takviye haline getirir.
Pek çok bilimsel çalışma, D-Mannoz’un idrar yolu sağlığı üzerindeki etkinliğini kanıtlamıştır. Örneğin, Jean ve ark. (2014) tarafından yapılan klinik bir çalışma, D-Mannoz’un, E. coli'nin mesane duvarına yapışmasını engellemede antibiyotik tedavisi kadar etkili olduğunu bulmuştur. Ayrıca, Schell ve ark. (2012) tarafından yapılan araştırma, D-Mannoz’un özellikle tekrarlayan idrar yolu enfeksiyonları (İYE) olan hastalarda faydalı etkiler gösterdiğini ortaya koymuştur.
Saf D-mannoz içeriğiyle CONALT® D-MANNOSE 500 mg, bağışıklık sağlığını destekler, bakteriyel büyümeyi engeller ve zararlı toksinlerin vücuttan atılmasına yardımcı olarak detoksifikasyon süreçlerine katkıda bulunur. Bu da genel sağlık ve zindeliği artırır.
Ayrıca, araştırmalar D-Mannoz'un kan şekeri dengesine destekleyici etkilerini de incelemiştir. Brunton ve ark. (2015) tarafından yapılan bir çalışmada, D-Mannoz'un insülin hassasiyetini artırabileceği ve glikoz metabolizmasını dengelemeye yardımcı olabileceği vurgulanmıştır. Bu, CONALT® D-MANNOSE 500 mg'ı yalnızca idrar yolu sağlığı için faydalı bir takviye değil, aynı zamanda genel metabolik dengeyi destekleyen bir ürün yapmaktadır.
Ürün Açıklaması
- D-Mannose is structured to prevent the adhesion of *Escherichia coli* (E. coli) bacteria to the urinary tract. E. coli bacteria often cause infections by attaching to the bladder, but D-mannose prevents these bacteria from binding to cell surface receptors. By binding to the bacteria, D-mannose prevents them from adhering to the bladder walls, allowing them to be expelled through the urinary tract, thus reducing the risk of urinary tract infections.
- D-Mannose supports the protective structure of the bladder mucosa, providing a natural barrier against infections. In this process, it neutralizes bacteria without harming the cells lining the bladder wall. Additionally, it contributes to the health of the bladder wall, helping to strengthen the bladder mucosa in individuals prone to frequent infections.
- By preventing the regrowth of bacteria in the urinary tract, D-mannose helps to avoid chronic infections. This compound reduces the likelihood of bacterial proliferation by inhibiting their adhesion to the bladder wall, thus lowering the recurrence rate of bacterial infections. Regular use may reduce the risk of recurring urinary tract infections.
- D-Mannose’s positive effects on the immune system help the body better combat infections. Through its bacteria-binding action, it contributes to preventing infections from developing. It also aids in neutralizing pathogens, thus reducing the chance of infections occurring in the body.
- Supporting the detoxification process, D-Mannose aids the body in purging toxins more quickly. It particularly helps in eliminating harmful substances accumulated in the intestines, reinforcing the body’s natural detox mechanisms.
- D-Mannose exhibits anti-inflammatory effects that may help reduce inflammation. Its supportive effect on the immune system may alleviate inflammation caused by urinary tract infections, thus helping to reduce symptoms like pain, burning, and discomfort.
- D-Mannose promotes urinary flow, contributing to the proper functioning of the kidneys. By accelerating the cleaning process in the urinary tract, it reduces the risk of infections. Regular urine flow prevents the accumulation of bacteria in the bladder and their potential to cause infections.
- D-Mannose aids in regulating blood sugar levels, supporting the body’s overall metabolism. It optimizes the conversion of sugar molecules into energy, thereby assisting in maintaining blood sugar balance.
- D-Mannose may have a supportive effect on uric acid metabolism, which can help alleviate symptoms of gout. By helping to balance uric acid levels in the body, it contributes to the relief of gout sufferers.
- By reducing the reproductive capacity of bacteria in the urinary tract, D-Mannose helps prevent their rapid growth. This action aids in the prevention of urinary tract infections and limits the uncontrolled spread of bacteria in the body.
- D-Mannose helps maintain intestinal health by balancing the gut flora and preventing the proliferation of harmful bacteria. This supports overall gut health and enables the digestive system to function smoothly. By increasing the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut, it supports general digestive health.
- D-Mannose may offer protective effects not only against bacteria but also against certain types of viruses. Its ability to prevent viruses from binding to cells helps reduce the risk of viral infections in the body.
- By supporting the immune system, D-Mannose helps make the body more resistant to infections. It may especially strengthen the immune response against urinary tract infections and activate the body’s natural defense mechanisms.
- D-Mannose’s contributions to intestinal health also support the regular functioning of the digestive system. By protecting the intestinal mucosa, it aids in the healthy continuation of digestive processes and reduces digestive issues.
- D-Mannose is effective in cellular renewal. It promotes healthy cell division and renewal, enhancing the body’s overall health status. Cellular renewal especially aids in the repair of damaged tissues.
- By helping the body maintain energy balance, D-Mannose supports the regulation of blood sugar levels. Keeping blood sugar within an optimal range is crucial, especially for energy metabolism, and helps maintain the body’s general energy levels.
İçindekiler: D-Mannose, Anti-caking Agents: Rice Powder, Capsule Component: Bovine Gelatin, Magnesium Salts of Fatty Acids (E 470), Silicon Dioxide (E551)
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CONALT’s production is based on the Golden Ratio of Nature
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- Türkiye Ofisi: Tatlısu Mah. Arif Ay Sok. No:10 Ümraniye İstanbul
- İngiltere Ofisi: 17 Green Lanes, N16 9BS, UK, London
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