CONALT markası ® MegaTen WOMAN 50+
- Metabolizmanın hızlanmasına katkıda bulunur
- Hormonal dengeyi desteklemeye yardımcı olur
- Enerji üretiminin artırılmasına yardımcı olur
- Yağ yakımını artırmaya yardımcı olur
- Antioksidan koruma sağlar
- Beyin sağlığını destekler
- Bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirir
- Cilt sağlığının korunmasına katkıda bulunur
- Kemik sağlığını iyileştirmeye yardımcı olur
- Cilt yaşlanmasını geciktirir
- Enerji seviyelerini artırır
- Stresi azaltmaya yardımcı olur
- Genel sağlık ve bağışıklık sistemi desteği sağlar
Neden CONALT® MegaTen WOMAN 50+ ?
CONALT® MegaTen 50+ WOMAN, 50 yaş ve üzerindeki kadınların sağlığını desteklemek için özel olarak formüle edilmiş bir takviyedir. Patentli bileşenleri sayesinde, kadın sağlığı üzerinde birden fazla olumlu etkisi olduğu bilimsel olarak kanıtlanmıştır.
Kadınlar için Lactobacillus reuteri'nin Önemi
Lactobacillus reuteri, kadın sağlığına çeşitli faydalar sağlar:
- Bağışıklık Sistemi: Bağışıklık tepkilerini güçlendirir ve hastalıklara karşı direnci artırır.
- Vajinal Sağlık: Vajinal florayı dengeler, enfeksiyon riskini azaltır ve genel üreme sağlığını destekler.
- Hormonal Denge: Menopoz sırasında hormonal dengenin korunmasına yardımcı olarak menopoz semptomlarını hafifletir.
- Sindirim Sağlığı: Bağırsak sağlığını iyileştirir ve düzenli sindirime katkıda bulunur.
Diğer Bileşenlerin Kadın Sağlığı Üzerindeki Etkileri
- Yeşil Çay Özü
- Faydaları: Yüksek polifenol içeriği ile metabolizmayı destekler ve antioksidan etkileri ile hücresel sağlığı korur.
- Araştırma: Aune, D. ve diğerleri (2017). Yeşil çay tüketimi ve kanser riski: sistematik bir inceleme ve meta-analiz. Nutrients.
- Soya Tohumu Özü
- Faydaları: İçerdiği izoflavonlar menopoz semptomlarını hafifletmeye yardımcı olabilir ve hormonal dengeyi destekleyebilir.
- Araştırma: Taku, K. ve diğerleri (2010). Soya izoflavonları ve menopoz semptomları: sistematik bir inceleme ve meta-analiz. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
- Koenzim Q10
- Faydaları: Enerji üretiminde rol oynar ve kalp sağlığını destekler.
- Araştırma: Sharma, A. ve diğerleri (2016). Koenzim Q10: klinik kullanımları üzerine bir inceleme. Cardiology in Review.
- L-Karnitin
- Faydaları: Yağ asitlerinin enerjiye dönüşümünü destekler ve fiziksel performansı artırabilir.
- Araştırma: Volek, J. S. ve diğerleri (2015). L-karnitin takviyesinin egzersiz performansı üzerindeki etkileri: bir meta-analiz. Journal of Sports Science.
- Alfa Lipoik Asit (ALA)
- Faydaları: İnsülin duyarlılığını artırabilen güçlü bir antioksidandır.
- Araştırma: Jacob, R. A. ve diğerleri (1999). Alfa-lipoik asit: oksidatif stresin önlenmesindeki rolü. Journal of Nutrition.
- Fosfatidilkolin
- Faydaları: Beyin sağlığına katkıda bulunur ve karaciğer fonksiyonlarını destekler.
- Araştırma: Wurtman, R. J. ve diğerleri (2006). Fosfatidilkolin ve kolin: beyin fonksiyonlarında temel besinler. Nutrition Reviews.
- Turunçgil Biyoflavonoidleri
- Faydaları: Antioksidan etkileri ile bağışıklık sistemini destekler ve C vitamini emilimini arttırır.
- Araştırma: Faria, A. ve diğerleri (2016). Turunçgil biyoflavonoidleri: sağlık yararları ve potansiyel mekanizmalar. Nutrients.
- Beta-Karoten
- Faydaları: Cilt sağlığını destekler ve bağışıklık sistemine yardımcı olur.
- Araştırma: Krinsky, N. I. ve diğerleri (2004). Bağışıklık tepkisi üzerinde karotenoid etkisi. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
- D3 Vitamini
- Faydaları: Kemik sağlığını destekler ve bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirir.
- Araştırma: Holick, M. F. (2004). D vitamini: bin yıllık bir perspektif. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry.
- E Vitamini
- Faydaları: Antioksidan etkisi ile hücre zarlarını korur.
- Araştırma: Traber, M. G. (2007). E vitamini: fonksiyonları ve metabolizması. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling.
- B Vitamini Kompleksi
- Tiamin : Enerji metabolizmasını destekler.
- Riboflavin : Antioksidan özelliği ile hücresel sağlığı korur.
- Niasin : Kolesterol seviyelerini düzenler.
- B6 Vitamini : Hormonal dengeyi destekler.
- Folik Asit : Hücresel yenilenmeye ve DNA sentezine katkıda bulunur.
- B12 Vitamini : Sinir sistemi sağlığını korur ve anemi riskini azaltır.
- Araştırma: Depeint, F. ve diğerleri (2006). B12 vitamininin insan metabolizması. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
- Biyotin
- Faydaları: Saç, cilt ve tırnak sağlığını destekler.
- Araştırma: Bistrian, B. R. (2006). Biotin: sağlık ve hastalıktaki rolüne ilişkin bir inceleme. Journal of Nutrition.
- Mineraller
- Magnezyum : Sinir ve kas fonksiyonlarını destekler.
- Demir : Anemi riskini azaltır.
- Çinko : Bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirir.
- Bakır : Demir metabolizmasında rol oynar.
- Manganez : Antioksidan savunmayı destekler.
- Selenyum : Antioksidan etkileri ile hücresel sağlığı korur.
- Krom : Glikoz metabolizmasını düzenler.
- Araştırma: Fulgoni, V. L. ve diğerleri (2011). Minerallerin diyetteki önemi. Journal of Nutrition.
Ürün Açıklaması
Yeşil Çay Özü
- Green tea is particularly rich in EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate), which acts as a powerful antioxidant that stimulates metabolism and accelerates fat burning. Green tea extract neutralizes free radicals in the body, preventing cellular damage and slowing the aging process. For women, this component has a direct effect on skin health, delaying signs of aging (fine lines, wrinkles) and increasing skin elasticity. It also accelerates lipolysis (fat burning), helping prevent weight gain and achieve a healthy body composition. Additionally, green tea may help regulate hormonal imbalances, particularly during menopause, reducing hot flashes. It also strengthens the immune system, protecting the body against infections.
Soya Tohumu Özü
- Soy germ, rich in isoflavones (especially genistein and daidzein), plays a crucial role in maintaining hormonal balance for women. These isoflavones exhibit estrogen-like effects, helping women balance their estrogen levels. During hormonal changes such as menopause, soy germ extract may alleviate hot flashes, night sweats, and emotional fluctuations. Furthermore, with its antioxidants, soy germ extract protects skin health, enhances skin elasticity, and prevents premature aging. It also positively impacts cardiovascular health by regulating cholesterol levels, maintaining heart health, and improving vascular health.
Koenzim Q10
- Coenzyme Q10 is essential for energy production in cells. For women, particularly as they age, the effects of this compound become more prominent. It helps alleviate fatigue and weakness, boosting overall energy levels. Additionally, it provides antioxidant protection by clearing free radicals from cells, preventing the signs of aging. It has a direct effect on the skin, promoting the renewal of skin cells and preventing fine lines and wrinkles. It enhances skin firmness, providing a more youthful appearance. Coenzyme Q10 strengthens the immune system and protects against infections. It may also help alleviate hormonal imbalances experienced during menopause, reducing mood swings and stress levels.
- L-Carnitine accelerates fat metabolism by transporting fatty acids to the mitochondria, where they are converted into energy. For women, this is particularly important for increasing fat burning and maintaining weight control. Additionally, L-Carnitine improves skin health, as balancing fat tissue contributes to smoother and healthier skin. It also enhances physical performance by helping the body burn more energy during exercise, providing women with more energy for daily activities. Furthermore, its antioxidant properties protect cells from free radicals, delaying signs of aging in the skin and increasing skin elasticity.
Alfa Lipoik Asit (ALA)
- Alpha Lipoic Acid is a powerful antioxidant compound involved in energy production in the body. It enhances insulin sensitivity in women, helping regulate blood sugar levels and preventing weight gain. It also aids in free radical cleanup, supporting healthier cell renewal and preventing skin aging. ALA directly impacts the skin by boosting collagen production, improving skin firmness and elasticity, and preventing fine lines and wrinkles, thus promoting a younger and more radiant complexion. Additionally, it supports brain health, helping women achieve better mental clarity and focus.
- Phosphatidylcholine is a compound found in cell membranes that promotes proper cell function and accelerates cell regeneration. It is particularly beneficial for women’s skin health, as it boosts collagen production, maintaining skin elasticity and firmness. Phosphatidylcholine also supports brain health, improves mental clarity, and reduces stress. By regulating lipid metabolism, it ensures healthy fat storage and utilization. Additionally, it helps maintain liver health and aids in the elimination of toxins from the body.
Turunçgil Biyoflavonoidleri
- Citrus bioflavonoids are particularly beneficial for skin health in women. Their antioxidant properties protect the skin from free radical damage and stimulate collagen production, making the skin firmer and more elastic. They also positively affect the immune system, boosting the body’s resistance to infections and illnesses. Additionally, citrus bioflavonoids improve the health of blood vessels, supporting cardiovascular health.
Beta Carotene
- Beta Carotene, which converts into Vitamin A in the body, helps protect women’s eye health. It also has positive effects on skin health, nourishing skin cells, accelerating skin renewal, and providing a healthy glow. As an antioxidant, it prevents free radical damage to the skin and slows down the aging process. Beta Carotene also strengthens the immune system, providing protection against infections.
D3 Vitamini
Vitamin D3 is critical for women’s bone health, as it enhances calcium absorption, reducing the risk of bone diseases like osteoporosis. It also helps regulate hormones, supporting hormonal balance. Vitamin D3 boosts the immune system, increasing resistance to infections and improving skin health. Additionally, it positively influences mood, helping reduce stress and symptoms of depression.
E Vitamini
Vitamin E is an essential antioxidant, especially for skin health. It prevents free radical damage, slowing the aging process of the skin. Vitamin E increases skin elasticity, prevents wrinkles, and supports a healthy skin appearance. It also strengthens the immune system, protecting the body from infections.
Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
- Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) plays a crucial role in energy production, necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates, helping the body efficiently convert glucose into energy. For women, Vitamin B1 helps prevent fatigue and energy deficiencies. It also has positive effects on the nervous system, improving brain functions and enhancing mental clarity. Additionally, it supports muscle function and heart health. Vitamin B1 plays an important role in stress management by helping to mitigate the negative effects of stress on the body.
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) is essential for the production of energy in cells. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it protects cells from free radical damage. It also has a direct effect on skin health, helping to keep the skin healthy and youthful-looking. For women, Riboflavin supports eye health by improving visual acuity. It strengthens the immune system and improves overall health. By enhancing iron absorption, it helps prevent health issues like anemia.
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) plays an important role in energy metabolism and improves skin health. For women, Niacin has anti-inflammatory properties, helping reduce skin issues like acne. It also regulates cholesterol levels, supports cardiovascular health, and improves blood circulation. It positively affects the nervous system and brain functions. Furthermore, it encourages fat burning, helping maintain a healthy body composition.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is crucial for maintaining hormonal balance, especially during periods of hormonal changes like menstruation and menopause. For women, it aids in the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, helping regulate mood, reduce stress, and alleviate symptoms of depression. Vitamin B6 also strengthens the immune system, speeds up protein metabolism, and supports muscle development. It helps prevent fatigue and weakness in women.
Folic Acid
Folic Acid is essential for cell division and DNA synthesis. For women, especially during the pre-pregnancy period, Folic Acid is important for the healthy development of the brain and nervous system. It also helps prevent anemia by enhancing iron absorption and reduces the risk of miscarriage, contributing to a healthy pregnancy. Folic Acid is also beneficial for skin health, as it accelerates cell renewal, promoting healthier and younger-looking skin.
B12 Vitamini
Vitamin B12 is crucial for neurological health as it ensures the proper functioning of nerve cells. For women, it helps alleviate symptoms such as fatigue and brain fog. It also reduces the risk of anemia by positively affecting blood production. It supports the immune system and enhances overall health. Vitamin B12 helps boost energy levels and maintain hormonal balance.
- Biotin is especially related to the health of hair, skin, and nails. For women, biotin helps prevent hair loss and promotes stronger, shinier hair. It also supports skin health and slows down skin aging. By accelerating metabolism, it supports healthy fat burning. Biotin can also help women increase their daily energy levels as it plays a role in converting carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into energy.
Pantothenic Acid (Pantothenic Acid)
- Pantothenic Acid is an important vitamin for hormone production and energy metabolism. For women, this compound makes it easier to cope with stress as it helps produce stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. It also supports skin health, alleviates skin problems such as acne, and provides a healthy appearance. It strengthens the immune system and improves fat metabolism.
Magnesium is a vital mineral involved in more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It plays a crucial role in many important biological processes such as nerve transmission, muscle function, energy production, bone health, regulation of blood sugar levels, and maintaining hormonal balance. For women, magnesium is particularly important in managing stress and balancing mood, as it helps regulate cortisol (the stress hormone) levels and promotes the production of mood-enhancing neurotransmitters like serotonin. It is also highly effective in relieving muscle cramps and spasms, particularly during menstruation.- Magnesium helps relax muscles and reduces muscle pain. Another key benefit of magnesium for women is its impact on bone health. Magnesium is necessary for the proper absorption and deposition of calcium in bones, making it particularly important in reducing the risk of osteoporosis, especially during and after menopause. Additionally, magnesium’s effect on energy production and metabolism helps alleviate symptoms such as fatigue and tiredness. Biologically, magnesium plays a role in ATP (adenosine triphosphate) production, which is essential for cellular energy and helps meet the body’s energy needs. Sufficient magnesium levels ensure optimal energy production, providing more vitality and energy for daily activities.
Zinc is a mineral that supports the activity of around 300 enzymes in the body and plays an essential role in many biological processes. It is involved in immune function, hormonal balance, skin health, and cell division. For women, zinc has a powerful effect on the immune system, as it is required for the production and functioning of lymphocytes (immune cells). This helps the body become more resistant to external factors. Zinc also helps in wound healing and resolving skin inflammations and issues like acne. It supports women in preventing skin problems like acne and contributes to healthier-looking skin.- Zinc is also vital for maintaining hormonal balance in women. It helps maintain regular menstrual cycles, ease hormonal changes during menopause, and alleviate symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Additionally, it is effective in preventing certain issues that may occur during menstruation, such as heavy bleeding. Zinc also helps prevent hair loss. It is necessary for the healthy growth of hair follicles, and its deficiency can accelerate hair loss. Its effects on immune function and hormone production are important for overall health and also benefit cardiovascular health.
Iron is a mineral that increases the blood’s oxygen-carrying capacity and is crucial for blood production. For women, iron loss can occur, especially during menstruation. Therefore, iron supplementation improves the body’s oxygen-carrying capacity and reduces the risk of anemia. Iron deficiency can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, and dizziness. Adequate iron levels improve brain function, increase concentration, and help balance mood. Iron also strengthens the immune system.- This mineral is necessary for the production of immune cells and increases the body’s ability to fight infections. For women, iron also has an impact on hair and skin health. It prevents hair loss and helps the skin appear healthier and more radiant.
- Copper is a mineral essential for iron metabolism and hemoglobin production in the body. Copper increases the absorption of iron and helps protect against anemia. For women, copper stimulates collagen production, which enhances the skin’s elasticity, providing an anti-aging effect.
- Collagen is a key compound that keeps the skin strong and flexible. Copper also prevents free radical damage to the skin, slowing down skin aging. Copper has beneficial effects on the nervous system, as it helps produce neurotransmitters and improves mental function. Due to its antioxidant properties, it protects the body from damage caused by free radicals, positively affecting overall health. Copper also protects cardiovascular health by increasing the flexibility of blood vessels and improving circulation.
- Manganese is an essential trace element that supports many biological functions in the body, particularly having a significant impact on antioxidant defense mechanisms, bone health, and energy production. Manganese plays a protective role against free radical damage, helping to protect cells from the harmful effects of oxidative stress. It is a structural component of one of the enzymes that neutralizes free radicals in the body, superoxide dismutase (SOD). Activation of this enzyme prevents cellular damage and slows down cell aging, which is crucial for skin health and overall anti-aging effects.
- Manganese is also a critical mineral for the healthy development and maintenance of bones. As a key component in collagen production and bone matrix formation, manganese can be especially effective in preventing bone diseases like osteoporosis. By interacting with magnesium and calcium in bone tissue, it helps increase bone density and strengthens the bones. Manganese also accelerates bone remodeling processes by enhancing the function of osteoblast cells. This effect is especially important for postmenopausal women, as bone health requires attention when estrogen levels decrease during this period.
- Additionally, manganese can influence carbohydrate metabolism, cholesterol management, and the regulation of blood sugar levels. By enhancing insulin sensitivity, it helps glucose be more efficiently used by the cells, which can be beneficial in managing metabolic diseases like diabetes. This effect supports the body’s ability to produce insulin and increases insulin’s effectiveness in the bloodstream, helping blood sugar levels remain more stable. In this context, it has positive effects on glucose metabolism and fat storage.
- Manganese also has a significant impact on skin health. By boosting collagen production, it helps keep the skin youthful, smooth, and elastic. Furthermore, by reducing the effects of free radicals, it prevents signs of aging from appearing and strengthens antioxidant defenses. In this way, it helps reduce sun damage and wrinkles on the skin.
- Manganese plays a role in brain function as well. By contributing to the production of neurotransmitters, it helps regulate brain chemicals. This effect can have a positive impact on mental clarity and mood. Additionally, it plays an important role in the protection of nerve cells, supporting the health of the nervous system. As it protects against free radicals in the brain, it can also be beneficial in preventing neurological diseases.
- Lastly, manganese is a crucial mineral that affects energy production and metabolism in the body. The body requires manganese for mitochondria, which are involved in energy production and cellular functions. This helps prevent issues like fatigue and weakness. It allows energy to be used efficiently in nerve cells and muscles, contributing to increased physical performance and daily energy levels.
- Selenium is a mineral with strong antioxidant properties and plays an important role in preventing free radical damage in the body. By reducing oxidative stress, selenium helps prevent cell damage and slows down aging. Selenium, particularly by enhancing the activity of enzymes like glutathione peroxidase, provides protection against free radicals, ensuring cellular-level protection.
- One of selenium’s significant benefits for women is its ability to strengthen the immune system. By enhancing the function of immune cells, selenium helps the body fight infections more effectively. Additionally, selenium has hormone-regulating effects. It improves thyroid function, which helps maintain hormonal balance. The thyroid gland controls metabolism, so thyroid dysfunction can lead to various problems in the body. Selenium supports the healthy functioning of the thyroid gland, regulates metabolism speed, and is beneficial for weight management.
- Selenium is also beneficial for heart health. By providing antioxidant protection against free radicals, it increases the flexibility of blood vessels and helps regulate blood pressure. It can also aid in balancing cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart diseases. Through its ability to prevent arterial blockages, selenium is effective in preventing cardiovascular issues such as coronary heart disease.
- Furthermore, selenium has skin health benefits. By reducing free radical damage to the skin, it helps delay the appearance of aging signs. It has positive effects on skin smoothness and elasticity and helps repair sun damage caused by UV radiation.
Chromium is a mineral that increases the body’s insulin sensitivity. For women, chromium is particularly beneficial in regulating blood sugar levels, as it enhances the body’s ability to use insulin, reducing insulin resistance. This is especially important for conditions like diabetes and pre-diabetes. It helps maintain blood sugar levels at a more stable rate, contributing to energy regulation and preventing hunger cravings.- Chromium also improves fat metabolism. It helps burn fat more efficiently and prevents fat storage. This helps regulate body composition and supports weight management. Additionally, chromium helps balance cholesterol levels, supporting heart health.
Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus
- This probiotic bacterium is an important component for supporting digestive health. For women, maintaining a balanced gut microbiota plays a crucial role in overall health and immune function.
- Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus helps inhibit the growth of harmful pathogens, contributing to the formation of a healthy gut flora. It also strengthens the immune system, making the body more resistant to infections.
- This probiotic can help alleviate digestive issues like bloating, gas, and constipation. Additionally, it can have a regulatory effect on hormonal balance and help reduce digestive stress. Particularly for women, this probiotic strain can assist in regulating the menstrual cycle, as gut health is directly related to hormonal balance. Healthy gut function enhances the effectiveness of the body’s metabolic processes.
İçindekiler: Magnesium Bisglycinate, Capsule Component: Bovine Gelatin, Zinc Bisglycinate, Bulking Agent: Maltodextrin, Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate, Phospholipids, Ferrous Bisglycinate, Niacin, Lactobacillus reuteri, Citrus (Bitter Orange) Extract, L-Selenomethionine, Green Tea Extract, Soy Extract, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Beta Carotene, Thiamine Hydrochloride, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, L-Carnitine, Copper Gluconate, D-Calcium Pantothenate, Riboflavin, Cholecalciferol, Anti-Caking Agents: Magnesium Salts of Fatty Acids (E470), Silicon Dioxide (E551), Coenzyme Q10, Manganese Sulfate Monohydrate, Chromium Picolinate, 6S-5-Methyltetrahydrofolic Acid Glucosamine Salt, Biotin, Methylcobalamin.
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