● Способствует общему здоровью глаз
● Помогает предотвратить возрастную макулярную дегенерацию
● Помогает предотвратить развитие катаракты
● Поддерживает функцию сетчатки глаза
● Помогает уменьшить воспаление глаз
● Помогает снять усталость глаз
● Способствует снижению общего окислительного стресса
Почему CONALT® Fuvel?
CONALT® Fuvel – это специализированная формула, предназначенная для значительного улучшения здоровья глаз, включая предотвращение возрастной макулярной дегенерации, ингибирование развития катаракты, поддержание функции сетчатки, снижение воспаления глаз и облегчение усталости глаз. Разработанный в лабораториях CONALT®, он содержит такие ингредиенты, как лютеин, таурин, биофлавоноиды цитрусовых, витамин C, цинк и селен, все из которых клинически доказано поддерживают здоровье глаз. Исследования лютеина и зеаксантина (Johnson и др., 2010) и влияние цинка на здоровье сетчатки (Bhosale и др., 2017) подтверждают эти преимущества.
Описание товара
• Lutein is an important carotenoid pigment found in the eyes. It is especially concentrated in the macula (the center of the eye) and protects this area from UV rays and blue light damage. This helps prevent aging and damage to the eye cells.
• Lutein increases blood flow to the retinal cells and enhances the eyes’ resistance to oxidative damage. Research has shown that increased lutein intake can significantly reduce the risk of AMD (Age-related Macular Degeneration).
• The presence of lutein and zeaxanthin in the eye lens helps maintain lens health. These pigments can help prevent cataract development by reducing oxidative stress in the lens.
• Lutein has anti-inflammatory properties. By reducing inflammation in the eyes, it can alleviate the effects of conditions such as conjunctivitis.
• Taurine is an amino acid that is highly concentrated in retinal cells. It supports the healthy development of retinal cells and helps preserve visual ability. Additionally, it helps maintain the osmotic balance of retinal cells, influencing the water balance of these cells.
• Prolonged exposure to computer screens or intense visual activities can lead to eye fatigue. Taurine helps relax the eye muscles, reducing eye fatigue and increasing overall eye comfort.
Цитрусовые биофлавоноиды
• Citrus bioflavonoids are powerful antioxidants that neutralize free radicals. Oxidative stress can cause aging and damage to eye cells; the intake of these bioflavonoids plays a significant role in preserving eye health.
• Due to their anti-inflammatory properties, citrus bioflavonoids can reduce inflammation in the eyes, thereby supporting eye health.
Витамин C
• Vitamin C is an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals in the eyes. It also helps maintain lens health, preventing cataract formation. Studies show that high vitamin C intake reduces the risk of cataracts.
• While supporting the immune system, vitamin C also helps protect the eye cells from oxidative damage. Additionally, high levels of vitamin C contribute to overall eye health.
• Zinc supports the function of photoreceptor cells in the eyes and improves night vision. It also plays an important role in the metabolism of vitamin A in retinal cells.
• Zinc deficiency can increase the risk of AMD. Adequate zinc intake helps prevent age-related macular degeneration and can slow its progression.
• Selenium is a mineral that plays an important role in defending cells against free radicals. It protects eye cells from oxidative damage, supporting overall eye health.
• By reducing oxidative stress, selenium helps maintain eye health. It also supports the immune system and can alleviate discomfort in the eyes due to its anti-inflammatory effects.
Ингредиенты: Marigold Extract (5% Lutein), Capsule Component: Bovine Gelatin, Bulking Agent: Maltodextrin, Citrus Extract (Citrus Bioflavonoid), Taurine, Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Zinc Sulfate, L-Selenomethionine, Anti-caking Agent: Magnesium Salts of Fatty Acids (E470), Silicon Dioxide (E551)
Рекомендации по применению
Взрослым рекомендуется одна (1) капсула в день.
Warnings: Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Cannot be used for the prevention or treatment of diseases. Food supplements cannot replace a normal nutrition. Keep out of the reach of children. Consult your doctor during pregnancy and lactation and case of illness or medication.